Wednesday, December 9, 2009

It's been a long time...

Howdy all my non-existent readers. Well? I surely am. I've had quite a life change over the past few months. I'll take you through the journey, a flashback I suppose, of what's occurred in my usually drama-less life.

Bus Boy is now only a very fond memory in the back of my mind. A beautiful boy who I turn to for comforting advice on his species. However, I discovered a new Bus Boy, who will be called Patrick. He. Is. Gorgeous. I'm not a talkative person, not in person, to guys. But to Patrick, I can talk with ease. However, I befriended his "friend" who soon became his girlfriend. So there went that idea. Don't worry though, he changed his appearance a bit, obviously due to her input. Looks a bit like a "reb dawg" now, it's quite hilarious since he's such a softy.

But my tastes have further progressed to a guy whom I set eyes on about five or so months ago. He's buff, funny, sweet and such a babe; a bit a sly dog though. Let's call him... Party Boy. So, there seems to be a little something between Party Boy and myself but not something too drastic. Maree and Dr Lurve (another friend) have been helping me through it.

I'll keep you posted.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

La mia prima... "post"?

So, I'm not exactly a top notch blogger but hey, I need some sort of a way to grasp this so called concept of life without strangling my friends to death with my never-ending list of questions and desperate cries for advice. Anyway, today. Today, today, today... today was a good day, a great day actually. Royal show day. One of my most preferred in the year and to my liking, one I got to spend with my friends, rather than my mother contrary to what was first planned.

I did, once again go on the ride (of which I've never learnt the name) that has the swings and goes around in circles. I was not however, game enough to drag myself onto the Nitro, despite my numerous attempts to psych myself up. And, despite my long-time shopping addiction, I managed to walk away, showbag free. I did however, purchase a dress... mmm... yes, weird? I know.

I then took the semi-long trip home with my friends. There wasn't much of a conversation going on over the second train ride due to the minor disagreement that seemed to occur between a few of my friends, but let's not get into that one...

At home... it was a whole different story. At first I was grumpy, as I always seem to be after a day out with my friend, god knows why?! Then I logged onto the computer and began to talking to the guy... yes the guy... let's just call him Bus Boy. So I was talking to Bus Boy and he's sooooooo cute. I mean on the inside, but hey, he's easy on the eyes too. Anyway, there was something there that got me a little excited but haha, really, it was nothing. That's just me... nit-picking to find some sort of a positive sign out of his irrational words to take completely out of context. But hey, I found it, and it made me happy.

Then I talked with my beautiful friend... she can be called, Maree. Now Maree is the most comforting person in the world, seriously. I've never met anyone like her. So we had a little chat on msn, then over the phone. That lasted a slightly longer than short duration of time. Let's put it this way, my ear got very warm from the phone.

Anyways, so I'm off to bed. Feels good to let off some steam. And at least you can look at this and think about how much better your life is.

Ale salum - yeah, I can't spell french words...